Erectile Dysfunction caused by Stress: How to deal with it?

Stress can cause erectile dysfunction. Potency problems can also be caused by physical factors. In the next article, we will discuss how stress can trigger erectile dysfunction and what impact stress hormones can have.

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Stress and Erectile Dysfunction: What impact does Stress have on the Psyche?

It’s possible you have already experienced it: Stress at work, financial worries, and family problems can adversely affect your erectile function as well as your sexual desire. Stress can cause activity in the brain areas responsible for arousal to drop. Many people suffer from constant stress, especially in this high-performance society.

Stress can also affect your hormones. Your body’s stress hormone cortisol can cause problems with sexual function. Because stress hormones can have a negative effect on blood vessels, this is why it is important to avoid releasing them. These are essential for erection.

Stress hormones were vital for survival in earlier times. Because stress hormones give the body additional energy, this is why it is essential for survival. For example, this allowed Stone Age people to flee life-threatening attackers. Other physical functions are also affected, which could be detrimental in a life-threatening environment. This reduces, among other things the ability to have a healthy sexual life. Although life-threatening situations are rare nowadays, stress can still cause physical reactions. Erectile function and sexual desire may also be affected permanently, and can even lead to a vicious cycle.

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Erectile dysfunction, on the other hand, can increase stress levels. Erectile dysfunction can cause stress and release stress hormones, which can have a negative impact on future attempts at erection.

Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction is primarily caused by sexual fear of failure. Performance blocks can be caused by fears about the length of erections and the fear that a partner will not satisfy you. These fears can arise at the start of a relationship, in a new sexual environment, or after a first failure to erect.

What are the best Ways to treat Erectile Dysfunction due to Stress?

With each new sexual encounter, feelings of anxiety and fear can increase. It is crucial to end this vicious circle to find inner peace, sexual desire, and self-confidence. How can you solve it? Talk about the problem. This is a conversation that your partner can be as involved as you are. Talk about your fears and concerns. Silence can only increase your fears and discourage intimacy with your partner.

Stress management starts with identifying the causes of your stress. It is important to discuss the issue with someone, such as a sex therapist, or a coach/life coach. Natural solutions such as changing your lifestyle and eating habits, or quitting addictive behavior, can help reduce erectile dysfunction.

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Erectile Dysfunction and Self-confidence

It takes time to regain your confidence. You can have sensual moments with your partner, and you should be more focused on foreplaying and tenderness rather than penetration. Focus on the pleasure you get from intimate moments of relaxation and awaken your senses. You can live in the moment, and not worry about how you perform. There are many other ways to bring pleasure to your partner and yourself.

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