
  • My Experience Report with Vanefist Neo

    This is not a day to feel depressed and amidst the gloomy influences, it is very important to remain determined to achieve the goals set at the beginning of the new year. In March, my wife and I went to…

  • 10 simple tips for Natural Weight Loss

    When we are overweight we often feel bad about our appearance, become depressed and before we know it we are on some kind of diet or weight loss programme to get slim again. This is such a common way of…

  • Lose weight with Vanefist Neo in 90 days

    In a world where instant gratification is the greatest help, are we looking for an helping hand? No fattening, high blood pressure, cholesterol, asthma, low thyroid, short stature; statin drugs; prostate cancer; diabetes; candida; All these can be avoided with…

  • How to Lose Weight when you are Lazy!

    My wife is 5’6 “tall and weighs between 120 and 150 pounds. She has been dressing like crazy for the last few years and has had surgery to remove the fat from her legs. She also has high cholesterol and…